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Bardizbanian & Associates, P.C. in Queens NY

The Legality of E-bike Injuries, Accidents & Deaths in New York City

Queens, NY E-bike Accident Attorneys

As the popularity of e-bikes surges in New York City, so too have the incidents involving e-bike injuries and accidents. If you or a loved one has been involved in an e-bike accident, Bardizbanian & Associates, P.C. is here to help. Our skilled team of Queens accident attorneys is well-versed in the complexities of e-bike accident claims and dedicated to ensuring that victims receive the compensation they deserve. Contact us today for a free consultation to discuss your case and learn how we can assist you in navigating the legal challenges of e-bike accidents.

Why E-bike Deaths Have Skyrocketed in New York

E-bike deaths have dramatically increased in New York City due to their growing popularity and the higher speeds they can achieve. Many e-bike users are attracted to the efficiency and speed e-bikes offer, which can lead to high-risk behaviors and more severe accidents. Additionally, the integration of e-bikes into the bustling traffic of NYC without adequate infrastructure adaptations has contributed to this rise in fatal incidents.

Injuries on an E-bike

Common injuries from e-bike accidents can range from minor to severe, including cuts, bruises, broken bones, head injuries, and in severe cases, traumatic brain injuries. The higher speed capabilities of e-bikes compared to traditional bicycles mean that crashes can be particularly dangerous, leading to more significant injuries.

What Causes E-Bike Accidents

E-bike accidents can be caused by a variety of factors:

  • High Speeds: E-bikes can reach higher speeds than traditional bicycles, increasing the risk of serious injuries in crashes.
  • Mechanical Malfunctions: Issues such as brake failure or electrical malfunctions can lead to accidents.
  • Environmental Factors: Slippery roads, potholes, and urban clutter can pose hazards that are more dangerous to e-bike riders.
  • Inexperienced Riders: Many e-bike riders are not fully accustomed to the speed and handling of their bikes, which can lead to accidents.
  • How Fast Do E-bikes Go?

    E-bikes are categorized into three classes based on their top speed and how their electric assistance is delivered, each tailored to different types of riding experiences:

    Class 1 E-bikes

    Class 1 e-bikes are pedal-assist only, with no throttle, and the motor stops assisting when the bike reaches 20 miles per hour. This type of e-bike is ideal for those who enjoy cycling but appreciate a boost up hills or on longer rides, making it a popular choice for commuting and recreational use in urban areas.

    Class 2 E-bikes

    Class 2 e-bikes also have a top speed of 20 miles per hour but are equipped with a throttle. This allows the rider to engage the motor without pedaling, providing ease of use and convenience, especially in stop-and-go city traffic. It's perfect for riders who may need a break from pedaling or require consistent speed without exertion.

    Class 3 E-bikes

    Class 3 e-bikes are pedal-assist models that can reach speeds of up to 28 miles per hour. This class is especially favored by more experienced cyclists or those who have longer commutes, as it allows for faster travel over greater distances. However, due to their higher speeds, Class 3 e-bikes are often subject to more stringent regulations regarding where they can be ridden.

    When an E-bike Rider Injures a Pedestrian

    With the proliferation of e-bikes across New York City, incidents where an e-bike rider injures a pedestrian have become increasingly common. Negligence, such as failing to yield, speeding, or riding on sidewalks, can easily lead to collisions with pedestrians, often resulting in significant injuries due to the speed and mass of e-bikes.

    What Traffic Laws do E-bikes Follow in New York City?

    In New York City, e-bikes are required to follow the same traffic laws as traditional bicycles. This includes obeying traffic signals and signs, riding in the direction of traffic, using bike lanes where available, and not riding on sidewalks. E-bike riders are also subject to DUI laws.

    Can I Sue If I was Injured on an E-bike?

    Yes, if you were injured while riding an e-bike or as a pedestrian involved in an e-bike accident, you might have grounds to sue for damages. This could include medical expenses, lost wages, and pain and suffering. Determining liability and navigating the legal process requires the expertise of an experienced personal injury attorney.

    If You Were Injured on an E-Bike Working as a Courier

    Couriers injured while working on e-bikes may face significant challenges, including medical bills and lost income. Hiring an attorney can help ensure you receive the necessary compensation to cover these expenses and any additional damages. Bardizbanian & Associates, P.C. specializes in representing couriers injured on the job, advocating vigorously on their behalf to secure the benefits and compensation they are entitled to under the law.

    What are the Most Common E-bike companies in NYC?

    In NYC, popular e-bike companies include Lime, Bird, and Citi Bike, which offer e-bike rentals throughout the city. These companies are often involved in legal matters related to accidents and injuries associated with their e-bikes.

    What Cases are the E-bike Companies Liable?

    E-bike companies can be held liable in cases where product defects, failure to maintain the bikes properly, or insufficient safety instructions contribute to accidents and injuries. Establishing such liability often requires detailed investigation and expert testimony, areas where Bardizbanian & Associates, P.C. can provide invaluable assistance.

    For more information or to discuss your case, contact Bardizbanian & Associates, P.C. today. Whether you need to negotiate with insurance companies, identify liable parties, or pursue litigation, we are here to help you secure the justice and compensation you deserve.

    To schedule a free initial consultation with an attorney from Bardizbanian & Associates, P.C., call 718-521-6874 or contact us online today.