Bardizbanian & Associates, P.C.

As New York City continues to adapt to the booming trend of e-bike usage among delivery couriers, the rate of accidents involving these fast-moving vehicles is also on the rise. The convenience and efficiency of e-bikes have led to a surge in their use by delivery personnel across the city, providing a quick way to navigate congested streets. However, this increase has also brought a spike in accidents, raising concerns about safety and legal responsibilities.

If You Were Injured in an E-Bike Accident That Was Not Your Fault

E-bikes in Queens, NY

E-bike accidents in New York City can occur under various circumstances not directly attributable to the courier’s actions. For instance, poorly maintained roads, car doors opening suddenly, or vehicles unexpectedly pulling out of parking spots can lead to serious accidents. Additionally, the interaction between e-bikes and other road users who may not be accustomed to sharing the road with such fast-moving bicycles often leads to collisions. If you’re a delivery courier who was injured under such circumstances, understanding your legal rights is crucial to ensure you receive the compensation you deserve.

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When you’re involved in a personal injury case in New York, one of the most pressing concerns is the financial burden of medical treatment. It’s not just the immediate medical bills that matter; often, the future medical expenses can be even more significant. You can claim for these expenses if you’re able to bring a lawsuit: look for a personal injury lawyer in the Queens, NY area for more personalized information relative to your situation.

In New York, personal injury law allows you to claim future medical expenses as part of your compensation. This is based on the principle that a negligent party should compensate the victim not only for all damages incurred, including those they may suffer ongoing. These future medical expenses can include costs for ongoing treatments, surgeries, rehabilitation, medication, and any other medical care you will likely need in the future due to your injury.

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Experiencing a car accident can be a jarring and unpleasant experience, and it’s common for people to want to take a few minutes to compose themselves and figure out the best next steps. When is it too late to get a lawyer for a car accident in Queens, New York? While New York State law indicates that the statute of limitations is three years, there are several exceptions, and it’s advisable to seek legal counsel as soon as possible.

New York State’s CPLR 214(4) law stipulates that the statute of limitations for collecting damages on car accidents expires after three years. This means you’ll no longer be able to get help with medical bills and lost wages or be compensated for more intangible things like pain and suffering.

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An accident can have a devastating effect on a person’s finances. Most people want to recover their lost wages, medical bills, and other damages as fast as possible, but some hesitate because they worry that the cost of litigation is just another expense they can’t afford. How much does a car accident lawyer cost? The answer depends on multiple factors, including the final settlement amount and the lawyer’s expenses.

Fortunately, most personal injury trial lawyers work on contingency, which means the plaintiff does not need to pay anything upfront to begin litigation in most cases. While some lawyers in New York charge an average of nearly $380 per hour for their services, personal injury attorneys are typically paid a percentage of the final settlement amount. This motivates attorneys to work hard to get the maximum amount for their clients.

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If you’ve ever looked at your car insurance statement and wondered, “What is personal injury protection coverage?” we’ve got the answers. Personal injury protection, also known as no-fault or PIP, takes care of your medical bills and wages and helps you stay on your feet after an auto accident, even if it was your fault. This coverage is an excellent safety net that will ensure that your needs are met and that you avoid bankruptcy in the event of an auto accident.

General Coverage

This coverage helps you get the medical assistance you need, replenishes a percentage of your wages, and gives you a small stipend to get around or pay for necessary items while you’re recovering. While the amount of your coverage will vary depending on your insurance and what level of coverage you opt for, you can rest assured that you’ll get a baseline with your New York State insurance.

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Understanding how to find a good car accident lawyer can give you clarity and peace of mind during the aftermath of a car accident. It’s completely natural to feel stressed, disoriented, and overwhelmed after an accident, especially if you’ve sustained physical injuries or property damage. Fortunately, expert legal counsel can help you understand what you need to do step by step and help you collect all the damages that you deserve.  

Hiring a Car Accident Lawyer

Good car accident lawyers have an encyclopedic understanding of New York State law, a track record of client success, and the ability to give you the white-glove treatment when it comes to attention and care. This combination of attributes will help you to feel fully confident in their abilities and have all of your questions answered in a prompt and professional manner.

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When you’ve been injured due to someone else’s careless actions, getting compensation might seem like it should be straightforward. However, New York’s comparative negligence law adds a layer of complexity that can significantly impact your outcome, and you’ll need the help of an experienced Queens, NY accident injury lawyer to protect your rights and get you the best result.

Unlike some states, New York follows a “pure” comparative negligence standard. This means even if you were partially at fault for the accident, you can still recover damages. Let’s unpack this further.

Say you were injured in a car crash, and a jury finds that you were 20% responsible while the other driver was 80% responsible. Under comparative negligence laws, your compensation award would be reduced by your percentage of fault. If your total damages were $100,000, you would receive $80,000, then. New York’s system ensures that even those partly responsible for their accident can get the help they need to recover.

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Deciding to file a personal injury suit is never easy. Many wonder if it’s worth going through the long and stressful litigation process and whether the final settlement will cover all their costs once the lawyer’s fees are taken out. If you’re considering a lawsuit, you might be asking what percentage do lawyers take for personal injury cases? The answer depends on a few factors. Let’s take a look at some.

Most personal injury lawyers in New York charge a fee equal to one-third of the final settlement amount. State law allows personal injury lawyers to recover a “fair and reasonable” percentage of the final settlement as a fee after the lawyer recovers expenses. This is capped at 33.33%, unless the presiding judge determines there are “extraordinary circumstances” that resulted in the plaintiff’s attorney receiving inadequate compensation.

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Recovering from an injury can be a stressful experience, especially if you’re trying to do so while navigating the complexities of New York’s legal system. If you’ve been injured due to someone else’s negligence in Queens, NY, or anywhere else in New York, you’ll want to get in touch with a personal injury lawyer as soon as possible to determine whether you can prove negligence in your case.

Four factors go into proving negligence in a personal injury case. An experienced attorney will be able to walk you through the factors to decide whether your accident resulted from another party’s negligence. Even if you’re found to be partially responsible for your injury, you may still be eligible for damages under New York’s compensatory negligence system.

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Experiencing a car accident can be a jarring and unpleasant experience, and it’s common for people to want to take a few minutes to compose themselves and figure out the best next steps. When is it too late to get a lawyer for a car accident in Queens, New York? While New York State law indicates that the statute of limitations is three years, there are several exceptions, and it’s advisable to seek legal counsel as soon as possible.

New York State’s CPLR 214(4) law stipulates that the statute of limitations for collecting damages on car accidents expires after three years. This means you’ll no longer be able to get help with medical bills and lost wages or be compensated for more intangible things like pain and suffering.

You’ll want to contact a legal team with experience with New York state law well before the statute of limitations expires, and it’s a good idea to get in touch with your attorney right away to make the process smooth, quick, and hassle-free.

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