Bardizbanian & Associates, P.C.

Mar 29, 2024

When you’re involved in a personal injury case in New York, one of the most pressing concerns is the financial burden of medical treatment. It’s not just the immediate medical bills that matter; often, the future medical expenses can be even more significant. You can claim for these expenses if you’re able to bring a lawsuit: look for a personal injury lawyer in the Queens, NY area for more personalized information relative to your situation.

In New York, personal injury law allows you to claim future medical expenses as part of your compensation. This is based on the principle that a negligent party should compensate the victim not only for all damages incurred, including those they may suffer ongoing. These future medical expenses can include costs for ongoing treatments, surgeries, rehabilitation, medication, and any other medical care you will likely need in the future due to your injury.

Proving Your Future Medical Care Needs

Proving the necessity for future medical expenses is a critical part of your claim. This typically requires being able to offer detailed medical evidence and expert testimony. Your medical providers will need to document your injuries, treatment plan, and the anticipated future medical needs. Often, it involves bringing in a medical expert who can testify about the extent of your injuries and the likely cost of future treatments. This expert analysis helps in providing a clear picture of the expected future medical costs.

Calculating future medical expenses involves considering various factors, such as the type of injury, the expected recovery time, the necessity of ongoing treatment, and the cost of medical care. Inflation rates and changes in medical technology and treatments also play a role in this calculation. The goal is to arrive at a reasonable estimate that covers all potential future medical costs related to your injury.

Life Care Plans

In many serious injury cases, a life care plan may need to be developed. This is a detailed document prepared by medical professionals and your lawyer together that outlines the anticipated medical needs over your lifetime. It includes not only medical treatments but also any necessary modifications to living arrangements, transportation needs, and any other related expenses. Life care plans are particularly important in cases involving catastrophic injuries, as they provide a comprehensive framework for projecting future needs.

Potential Challenges to Your Case

Claiming future medical expenses is not without its challenges. The defendant’s insurance company may contest the necessity or the extent of the projected future medical costs. They might argue that the treatments are not directly related to the accident or that the costs are excessive. Overcoming these challenges requires all the skill of an experienced personal injury lawyer backed by solid medical evidence and expert testimony.

Given how difficult it can be to claim for future medical expenses in a lawsuit, having an experienced personal injury lawyer on your side makes all the difference. If you’ve been injured and need help, contact us at Bardizbanian & Associates, P.C. in Queens, NY now for a free consultation.