Bardizbanian & Associates, P.C.

Jan 27, 2023

The health benefits of running are tremendous. It can build muscle, it can help you lose weight, and it can even be good for your mental health. Many people in the United States will run casually and routinely, perhaps three times a week. It’s just part of their normal exercise routine.

But there are some risks, as well, especially for someone who has to run around traffic. Getting involved in a pedestrian accident in Queens, NY can lead to incredibly serious injuries for a runner because they have no protection at all. Here are some tips that they can use to help avoid that accident.

Wear lights at night

Running at night is more dangerous around traffic because drivers simply aren’t going to see you when you’re crossing the street, even if you are in a crosswalk. Drivers may also miss you as they pull into their driveways off of the nearby street. To combat this, you may want to wear a vest with LED lights, a headlamp, a hat with a built-in light or something else of this nature. Visibility is incredibly important.

Still assume drivers haven’t seen you

Your general mindset when you run should be that none of the drivers on the road can see you at all. Pretend that you are invisible. This is certainly not fair to you, because you also have a right to use the road, but assuming you are invisible makes it easier to anticipate the mistakes drivers are going to make.

Leave the distractions at home

Finally, being alert of what is happening around you can help you respond to mistakes that drivers make and avoid accidents. This is why you don’t want to have any distractions with you while you run. For example, you may be tempted to connect a pair of headphones to your phone and listen to your favorite playlist on the run. As fun as this can be, it is also very distracting and noise-canceling headphones really insulate you from the road noise and potential warning signs.

Naturally, you could do all of this and still be injured by a negligent driver. If you are, be sure you know how to seek financial compensation by contacting our personal injury lawyers at Bardizbanian & Associates, P.C. to learn more.